Yoga Nidra
Yoga Nidra recording – from
Yoga Nidra- a practice to calm the mind
- Do you feel stressed out, anxious or irritated
- Do you find it hard to have restful sleep
- Are you constantly trying to juggle more than one thing at a time.
If you answered ‘yes‘ to any one (or all) of these questions then you may benefit from a profound relaxation technique called ‘Yoga Nidra’
Yoga Nidra can be a life changing practice. Helping you to de-stress and relax the mind. Find your own unique space of calm and ready yourself for whatever challenges your busy life may bring your way.
There is a pool of tranquility lying beneath the surface of your busy existence. Yoga Nidra helps you dip into that pool.
A safe and proven practice that involves little effort, just lying down and listening to the guided instruction that takes your mind from ‘doing and trying’ mode to “being and accepting.”
Wednesday evenings online 7-8:30pm (zoom platform)
Each session consists of very gentle movement , meditation and Yoga Nidra
Yoga Classes
Online Live in Person Classes
Tuesdays 10-11.30 am Hatha Yoga
Wednesdays 7-8pm Yoga Nidra
Thursdays , 10-11.30 am & 7-8.30 pm Hatha Yoga
In-person Classes
Thursday 10-11.30 am Cookhill
Thursday 7-8:30pm Bishampton
Yoga Nidra
Wednesday 7-8:30pm Hatha Yoga + Nidra Relaxation
Moving into Stillness Days
Date: Thurs 5th May 2022
Time: 10am-4pm
Venue: Stanton Guildhouse
Level: Level
Cost: £65.00
I invite you to join me for a day of Mindfulness Yoga. A mix of gentle movement, breathe awareness, meditation and silence. Early booking is essential as the days are limited to ten places.