Yoga Classes to Relax and Revive
Online Live in Person Weekly Classes
I am offering online live weekly classes so you can practice from the comfort and security of your own home. No need to travel or sit in cold hall. Live classes have a much better sense of connection and personal attention than pre- recorded classes.
Videos can be turned off if you don’t feel like socializing.
All classes are London time
Scroll down for more detailed instructions including how to register, make payment and receive the Zoom weekly Invite
Tuesday 10 -11.30 am Hatha Yoga
Wednesday 7-8:30pm Hatha Yoga + Nidra Relaxation
To book your place please register below or email
Pay as you go – £10 per class
£60 block payment gives access to all classes for six weeks
Payment via paypal or email me for bank details if you prefer.
(if using paypal;, please use “friends and family” so I don’t get charged commission)
Before registering for a class please read the disclaimer below. By registering for the classes you are agreeing to this disclaimer
Once registered I will send you a confirmation email together with the zoom invite and payment request
If you are complete beginner, under 18 or if you are pregnant and new to Yoga , these classes are not suitable for you .
If you are coming for the first time please email to let me know me know what classes you wish to join.
Have any props you think you might need, like bricks or blocks (you could use books or cushions), maybe a belt or strap of some sort perhaps or even a bolster, more cushions or a blanket). You will need to download Zoom and create a Zoom account. I suggest you set up Zoom well in advance to make sure audio and video working and log in 10 – 15 minutes so we are ready to start on time!
Even though my classes involve gentle movement and risk of injury is small you are advised to seek the advice of your medical professional before embarking in any form of physical exercise, especially if you have limiting conditions or are overweight, pregnant, taking regular medication, recovering from injuries or have any existing medical conditions. It is your responsibility to assure that the classes you take and the variations you choose are appropriate for your physical and metal conditions/limitations.
When participating in my online classes, please adapt in ways suitable for you, take breaks as you need, practice in a safe space and should you feel unwell or feel pain, stop immediately and seek advice from a medical professional. If in doubt about a pose or sequence, don’t do it.
You are participating in my online class at your own risk, with everything you do, being entirely carried out as your choice. Aston Colley does not accept any liability whatsoever for any injury or damage whatsoever arising from the use of this website.
In registering for an online class, you agree to assume full responsibility for any risks, injuries or damages, known or unknown, which you might incur as a result.
Aston Colley is not a medical professional and offers no medical advice or diagnosis.
Yoga Classes
Online Live in Person Classes
Tuesdays 10-11.30 am Hatha Yoga
Wednesdays 7-8pm Yoga Nidra
Thursdays , 10-11.30 am & 7-8.30 pm Hatha Yoga
In-person Classes
Thursday 10-11.30 am Cookhill
Thursday 7-8:30pm Bishampton
Yoga Nidra
Wednesday 7-8:30pm Hatha Yoga + Nidra Relaxation
Moving into Stillness Days
Date: Thurs 5th May 2022
Time: 10am-4pm
Venue: Stanton Guildhouse
Level: Level
Cost: £65.00
I invite you to join me for a day of Mindfulness Yoga. A mix of gentle movement, breathe awareness, meditation and silence. Early booking is essential as the days are limited to ten places.